
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Transformation Tuesday

Some Tuesday motivation for myself. This is why I love Slimming World. I will never be 'skinny' nor do I want to be. But I'm finally getting to a place where I feel comfortable in myself. 

It was never about my weight when I started this, it was about feeling fat and repulsive and putting that much strain on my health that I knew I needed to change something. 
I then became fixated on an ideal weight, but if I went down to 8 stone whatever (which I apparently can and that's a healthy weight for me) I know I would look like skin and bone and not in an attractive way. 

I'm learning that it's less about the number on the scale right now and more about what I see in the mirror ❤️ and thanks to Slimming World I can do it without feeling like I'm missing out. 

Having the support of a significant other is incredible, and I'm lucky enough to have that in Rob. I was on the larger side (not my biggest) when we first got together. And I don't think I was small when we met almost 10 years ago, but he loves me for me and having him with me whilst I do this is amazing. He tries recipes I make and supports me when I'm having a wobbler. I know I could have not done any of this and he would have loved me anyway but I'm so glad he accepted that I wanted to do this for me and has supported me throughout. 

The photo on the left was me on Sunday and the one on the right was me at uni around 6 years ago. Size 18/20 - size 12 (approx) 

Don't ever feel like you can't do it, you just have to take the first step! 

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